Kamis, 17 Maret 2011

RFID and privacy

RFID (Radio-Frequency Identification) is a Compact Wireless technology identification method by using the means of RFID tags / transponders to transform the data in the commercial world. Systems that use RFID to automatically control where the system offers penngkatan efficiency in inventory control and logistics and supply chain management.Given that RFID is a system that transmits unique data that can be raised concerns in society about the security and privacy. The problem is that until now the perdepatan among observers of RFID.There are several approaches proposed to address consumer privacy issues, among others:1. Killing and SleepingThis is the simplest way to overcome this problem is to turn off his tag. With the command "kill" the reader to the tag EPC, RFID will do the rendering of himself to not operate permanently. The kill command is protected by a PIN that is not arbitrary can be opened just like that. With the kill command can actually eliminate all the benefits of RFID postpaid. Therefore, there should be a command "sleep" which is more balanced way than in the command "kill". With the command "sleep" tag diinaktifkan for a while2. Approach renamingTo prevent tracking of RFID tags, an identifier tag needs to be hidden or replaced.Renaming approach, has several mechanisms, among others:a. RelabelingElimination of the unique identifier does not eliminate the threat of Clandestine inventorying and tracking threats. To prevent tracking illegally, the identifier should always be updated. Because with diperbaharuinya it can reduce the threats exist although not yet definitely eliminate the threats that exist.b. Minimalist CryptographyTo prevent theft pseudonym, had to go through the rapid-fire interrogation for tag data which do clog emissions by slowing down the response when the query is too fast.c. Re-encryptionReader needs to be re-encryption to be able to reduce the threat that exists.Ciphertext C which is the result of S with the PK encryption is encryption repeated periodically.d. Universal re-encryptionTo perform re-encryption without knowing the public key before, we need to involve an extension of the El Gamal cryptosystem which doubles the size of the ciphertext. But it has a serious weakness which can not maintain integrity.3. Proxy approachThe experts proposed several systems that can reduce the threat by using a proxy approach, Among others:a. Watchdog Tag systems that perform scanning of RFID tags and collect information from the readerb. RFID Enhancer Proxy and RFID Guardian acts as a personal RFID firewall guide4. RangingWith additional circuitry that cheap a tag to achieve the coarse size range where the RFID reader pengitrograsi when scanned either by distance or close will generate information that does not fit / not appropriate5. BlockingThis concept of privacy protection scheme merged into the tags of bits that can be modified. But this concept has the disadvantage that the transmission is not reliable.a. Soft BlockingThe scheme will involve the audit itself from the configuration reader which supports the policy of "opt-in"b. Trusted computingIn the ThingMagic Mercury 4 reader has been available commercially which include XScale processor 2 with a TPM (Trusted Platform Module) which can facilitate forms of privacy protection6. LegislationWorking with legislators is very important to strengthen the achievement of good RFID privacy.

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