Kamis, 17 Maret 2011

EQ vs. IQ: Why Smart People Fail?

Why people are more socially successful while his IQ is...
many failed? First we need to understand first that the intelligenceemotional (EQ) is not the opposite of kosien intelligence (IQ). EQ preciselyIQ complement as well as academic intelligence and skillscognitive. Research shows that the actual condition of emotionsaffect brain function and speed of work (Cryer in Kemper).Research also shows that even Albert intellectual abilityEinstein's remarkable it may be associated with the brainthat supports psychological functions, called the amygdala. AlthoughThus, the EQ and IQ differ in terms of studying and developing it.IQ is a genetic potential that is formed at birth and becamesteady at a certain age at pre-puberty, and after that nocan no longer be developed or enhanced. Instead, EQ canstudied, developed and improved at any age. Researchprecisely indicates that our ability to study the EQ increasedwith increasing age. Another difference, IQ is a threshold capabilitywhich can only point the way for our careers or make usworking in certain fields, while EQ is running on that road andpromote us in that area. Therefore, a balance betweenIQ and EQ is an important element of managerial success. Untilcertain level, IQ encourage productive performance; but competenceIQ-based considered "threshold capability", meaning that the abilityneeded for average job. Conversely, competence andskills-based EQ is much more effective, particularly at the levelorganizational IQ higher when the difference is negligible. Incomparative study between the person and a brilliant performancemediocre at organizational level, the difference of 85%caused by a competency-based EQ, not IQ. Dr. Goleman saysthat although his organization is different, different needs, it turns out EQcontributed 80-90% to predict success in organizationalin general. We refer to case studies conducted by Dr.Goleman's EQ and two other well-known researchers to analyze howEQ competencies that contribute to the profits obtained a firmaccounting major. First, IQ and EQ of the participants were tested andanalyzed in depth, then they are organized intoseveral working groups, and each group was given trainingabout one form of EQ competencies such as self-management andsocial skills; as control is a groupover those high IQ. When the evaluation value-addedgiven the economic competence of EQ and IQ, the results wereastonishing. The group with high social skills to producescore 110% increase in profits, while equipped with self-managementrecord 390% increase in profits, an increase $ 1,465,000 per year.Conversely, groups with high cognitive abilities and analytical,which reflects the IQ, just add a profit of 50%; that is, IQ isimprove performance, but are limited because only aability threshold. EQ-based competencies clearly far more encouragingperformance. Author Mohamed El-Kamony is the American junior college studentsUniversity in Cairo who took the main areas of Business Administrationwith a dual concentration in marketing and finance.

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