Kamis, 17 Maret 2011

6 Must honed ability to work Optimize Brain

This time I wanted to share about the six skills are very important for us to hone in optimizing our brain works ..
Actually what we need to hone?
We just sort ..
1. Hearing Ability
Try everything starts from the hearing ..
We start first stepnya from here yes, continue to practice for information and knowledge can we listen well and listen good maksimal.Kemampuan to minimize the acquisition of misinformation and misunderstanding in the input information.
Next step ... ie ..
2. The ability to think
It's very logical, right? After you fix the ability to hear, you also have to sharpen thinking power, the ability to think .. This includes analyzing, think of probability or possibility, logical thinking, sharp and reliable (Revelation. Kayaking in television jargon .. hehe )
With good thinking, information and knowledge which we have listened, the more efficient will be "the content of the brain" of quality ..
Next ...
3. Reading Ability
In searching for information and knowledge, listening alone is not enough, especially in the era of the sangaat skrng requires us to independently included in the search for information ..
It `s better for us to have a habit of reading, not only from books but also from the internet could be distinguished more and more present bergudang-repository and information sciences mean ..
Thread 3 is not necessary to discuss the length, we set our mind both ends meet with "Many read = more knowledge = more optimal brain works"
Okay, the next step we need to hone ..
4. The ability to memorize
However the abundance of information and knowledge, both who came from books and internet, memorization is still very much needed ..
You could say it needs super-primary in the process of optimizing the brain.
Many cases which require you to speak scientifically, basic needs, your source to talk, nor the theories in the face of it permasalahan.Nggak funny, when you deal with such cases you have to bother looking for him in the book, or should go to the internet first: D , well at least you have to memorize where you get the info you get (in the form of books, websites, words, people, etc.).
5. Speech
Once you get the information and knowledge from the previous step-step, you need also to hone verbal skills with berbicara.Sudah sure to hone the ability to speak, to maximize the brain works will be increasingly Up!
This step we assign them to the position 5, is for what you are talking about later on "fuller" and quality, because you've got enough information and knowledge from the previous step ..
The latter, namely ... hone
6. Ability to write
Ability to write it have some role, judging from the sequence here, writing plays to evaluate what we have got from the previous step-step ..
Try to write down information or knowledge that we already dapatkan.Saya guarantee! If you are able to write INFO2 and knowledge you get with good, to be sure your brain work ability increased with suksess!
Working your brain will get a maximum with increasing your ability in the 6 areas above ..
Improve the ability of one by one, repeat and repeat again ..
You are bored? If yes, STOP! To dream of being the best!
Gagat Sukmono

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