Kamis, 17 Maret 2011

Flu Fighting Tips

Flu is our enemy when it is persistently-jealous when doing activities. Yes .. although the common cold is not considered a constraint, which means but if taken any action would be the more severe the disease and will have a negative impact on our bodies.Well, here I'll give tips-tricks against the flu. yes ... while readers already in the know all, do not hurt to be written here
1. Stay at home with adequate restWhen we do activities with the cold conditions, in addition will be a burden in making sure the disease activity instead of being lost but actually gain weight. Therefore, the rest home would be a way out2. Enough sleepAgency could also be spelled machine. When we use these machines without a break, the engine will be easily damaged. as well as the agency that requires sleep as a way of rest. Because with enough sleep will provide energy to the body to fight disease descend.3. Many eat buah2an and foods that contain enough calories and proteinAvoid eating sweets, like ice cream, chocolate, cookies, etc. because the sugar can lower resistance to infection4. Drinking a lot of white waterDrink at least 10 cups per day. It is useful to bear a virus that exists in our body.5. Put hot compresses on the neckFor sore throat, we need to put hot compresses on the neck after gargling with salt water before bed at night. How, to prepare a piece of cloth folded katunm to medium thick, about 5 cm wide and long enough to wrapped around the neck. Dip water into warm water, and wrap the neck pesar. use a safety pin for that are not easily separated.6. Soak feet in hot waterIf the flu and head feels heavy, do it this way 2x a day (morning and evening). soak feet in hot water will drain blood from the head thus eliminating the heavy burden on the head.7. Inhaling hot steamInhaling hot steam will loosen and open the nasal passages are blocked. The trick, fill the kettle with a little water under the funnel and cook till boiling water. Add 1 teaspoon of eucalyptus oil into the boiling water. By using the newspaper / the like, make a funnel-shaped cone to direct the steam into your face8. Pendemahan on chestHow, dip a towel into the bath with boiling water and then squeezed.Bentangkanhanduk dry on the table and put hot towels on it. Wrap hot towel. Cover the chest with a cloth and place hot towels on top
If all steps above have been tried and flu still has not recovered more than 1 week with fever and complications, contact your doctor to get further treatment. Do not forget to always be patient and pray for the recovery solely because GOD.
Source: Air Penyembuh Ajaib (Penuntun Hidroterapi yang Efektif), Herminia de Guzman-Ladion

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