Kamis, 17 Maret 2011

10 signs of the dead heart

Lubik of heart in the most surely mengjak ourselves to always do good, both to ourselves and good to other people. Only now self kitalah should always berintrospeksi against ourselves. Exercise is a reflection of our deeds. If the heart of all the dirty deeds we surely bad and vice versa if our heart clean then surely we are all doing well. In the opportunity this time I will give you signs that the heart is dead:
1. We already know who God, but we do not do all that in his command
2. We have read Al-Qur'an, but we do not practice what you have inside
3. We claim to love the Messenger Muhammad SAW akan but we do not sunnahnya-Sunna
4. We who claim to be enemies with syetan but we always do things that the prohibition refers to God and to always act syetan
5. We want to go to Heaven, but we did not want to fight to get it
6. We want to congratulate themselves, but from the hell that we throw ourselves to them
7. We mengetahi that death is inevitable in all human but we do not prepare for death we stock
8. we are busy discussing stigma of others but we forget our own akan smirch
9. we take God's grace but we never top his gratitude
10. we bury people who have died but we do not take lessons from it
if we include people who have hearts that are dead or still alive?
Wallahu natural bishshowab

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