Jumat, 18 Maret 2011

Network File System

NFS (Network File System) is one service that could allow a computer to mount a directory on another computer.Samba is a Unix application that uses the SMB protocol (Serve Message Block) where a lot of operating systems that use this protocol to communicate between clients and servers including Windows / DOS and OS / 2. Samba enables between a Linux machine to communicate with the machine Windows / DOS or OS / 2 because the use of the same protocol.

The history begins with human problems both when working in a computer where file sharing is necessary because it is a very important thing. Prior to the Samba and NFS, we can only do a job that uses a computer on one computer only and the problem of back-up data is very difficult.ConfigurationTo configure the NFS to the server we need to make as below:
1. Create a new directory which will be shared to the NFS client to be accessible by
2. The contents of the directory that was created above with an arbitrary file
3. NFS configuration by editing the file / etc / exports
4. Restart the NFS server service

To configure the NFS to the client there are 2 ways, among others:
1. Configuring NFS client using the mount command
    a. Create a directory to hold the data from the NFS
    b. Reading the shared directory from the NFS server
    c. Conducting trials in each directory / temp/dir1, / temp/dir2, temp/dir3 such as deleting files, copying files, add files, etc.
2. Configuring NFS client using the mount command
    a. Edit the file / etc / fstab
    b. Restart mount

To configure Samba to the server we need to make as below:
1. Adds script in the / etc / samba / smb.conf
2. Restart the Samba service

To configure Samba to the client we need to make as below:
# Smbclient / /
# Smbclient / / interface ip = bcast = nmask =
Domain = [PRAKTJARKOM3W] OS = [Unix] Server = [Samba 2.2.7a-security-rollup-fix]Smb: \> mkdir ok
NT_STATUS_NETWORK_ACCES_DENIED making remote directory \ ok

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